September prayer update
Wow! Where have the last two weeks gone? Although having spent much of August working from the Accra Guest house on our computers did significantly help reduce some of our work re-entry stress, there was much awaiting us at the home front after having been gone for nearly three months this time. The last two weeks have been full of nesting activities such as rehabilitating the garden,
So, how can you pray for us this month? Here are some suggestions (one for each day of the week 8-):
- Wisdom for John as he interviews and selects participants for the Discovery trip to South America that leaves the beginning of next year.
- Please pray for the approvals still needed for a couple of the proposed 2007 Discovery trips; that these would come through soon so we can get them on the web.
- PRAISE that Mike Burtnett, our new Supervisor over both the Discovery and Get Global short term missions trips, has raised his needed support and began his job this week. This will help relieve John of some of the administrative work he has been shouldering in addition to trip planning. Yeah!!!!!!!
- Please pray for more Discovery trip planners to join us on staff so we can offer more trips, thereby recruiting more people to join in the work.
- Pray for Shevawn as she continues to mentor Discovery alumni via e-mail and phone; that these important relationships won't get put off amidst the tyranny of the urgent.
- Pray for Shevawn as she takes her annual retreat week Sept 16-22nd. This is a time when she seeks to reflect on the past year and ask God what she should be pouring herself into during the next year.
- Pray for John & Shevawn as together we plan a Partnership Development trip for the beginning of November.
By the way, towards the end of each month we hope to update our blog with some video footage taken on our trip this year. I hope you will enjoy seeing and hearing Ghana Discovery 2006!
Thanks (as always) for your prayers!
In His love;
Shevawn & John