So much to be thankful for
Yesterday we made the decision to pretty much give up using Shevawn’s laptop because it was eating up so much time and emotional energy…which helped us to begin adjusting and move on. Around that time, I (Shevawn) got to thinking that because this machine had once again become such a focus, I was not noticing so many things that were going right. Here are just a few of the things we have to be thankful for:
· The 6 Ghanaian participants on our team are a delight; we’re so happy to have them and they did really well during their pre-orientation.
· The provision of Fred, our Ghanaian leader, who is not only experienced so he could jump right in on short notice, but also a very special person who is wonderful to lead with.
· I will be able to borrow one of the laptops a North American participant will be bringing out to use in a language project; she will wind up using a netbook we brought to give to a project at the end of the trip. Although this solution is not ideal for either of us, it will work better than what is happening now….or having no machine for me to work on at all.
· Our son Jordan, who agreed to help lead the Orientation part of our trip after we arrived in Ghana. It has been so much fun to work with him; who he is and what he has to contribute are proving to be great assets to our team. Also, having an extra leader on board has really helped make up for the time we have lost dealing with computer issues.
· Knowing we have so many who care about us and are praying for us as we encounter both joys and obstacles on this trip
There is so much more, but that will have to do for now as John and several members of the team are due back at any time with our North American participants. I hope we will be able to get some photos up soon……