Did you know….this summer much DISCOVERING was going on back on North American soil?
While we were in Ghana this summer, we had an amazingly high number of Discovery alumni taking next steps in training to go forward into full time missions. Here’s a summation of our Discovery alumni and the different locations they were at as they progressed with their Linguistics training:
Summer Institute of Linguistics at University of North Dakota
Summer Institute of Linguistics at University of North Dakota
2 married couples; one spouse was on our Ghana Discovery 2005 team, 1 couple were both Indonesia Discoverers in 2008
- 3 ladies, all of whom were Ghana Discovery alumni; 2 from 2011 and 1 from 2007
- 2 ladies, both Ghana Discovery alumni, from 2004 and 2011
- 1 lady from Ghana Discovery 2009 and 2 guys, 1 from Ghana Discovery 2007 and the other an Indonesia Discoverer from 2007
That makes 11 total, 8 from our Ghana trips alone! Woo hoooo!!!!!
We have also been quite thrilled this past year that almost all the members of the 2011 Ghana Discovery team have continued to keep connected with us, blessing us with their prayers and encouragement as we also sought to pray for and encourage them. They have continued their involvement and interest with missions in some form or other; many of them were on-line mentors for this year’s Ghana Discovery team. We are both proud of and thankful for each one of them, and for so many of our alumni!