Seeing God at work in Benin
It’s been a week since John returned from Benin; he has
gotten some much needed rest and we have been sharing with each other many of
our stories that occurred while we were apart. More stories and
photos will find their way onto this blog over the coming weeks...but
today we wanted to fill you in on how John saw some of our specific prayer
requests his time in Benin answered.
*Prayer for Stick-to-it-iveness each day as John
continued to learn a bit of French before departure: John did
well in this regard, but left well aware of how basic his conversational French
level was. He received a pleasant surprise after arriving however; it
turns out that many Beninois in Cotonou speak some English! This is at
least in part due to the influence of English speaking Nigeria, which borders
Benin on the East. So while he did grow in his French speaking abilities
this summer, he was also able to fall back on his mother tongue when necessary.
*Prayers for John & Jacques as they worked on
team plans together in Cotonou just days before the team arrived in Benin and
for their working relationship and communication throughout the trip: Not
only did John and Jacques work well together, a third person joined their
leadership team who turned out to be very similar in her style of leadership to
Shevawn as a Discovery leader. Carol was a wonderful blessing and a totally
unexpected answer to prayer!
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Carol and Daring Discoverer Danielle |
*Prayer for wisdom for John to lead well while working
under stress; answered in so many ways!
*Prayer For 4 African participants to join our team;
and they did! 4 Beninois young men were participants on Benin Discovery
2013, making Benin the only other country besides Ghana who has so far had
Discovery teams that were half foreigners and half nationals!
*Prayer that our team would be able to serve Wycliffe
Benin and the Bible translators working there; again, answered in many ways
*We asked and continue to ask God to lead our
participants into longer term missions after Discovery; one participant in
particular struggled throughout our debrief week to say a specific ‘yes’ to God
and by the end of the week he said a resounding yes!
*Praise God with us for a GREAT Discovery trip to
Benin! Thanks so much for praying with and for us!