Korea 2022

 Korea 2022

What seems like forever ago, we were making plans to spend Christmas 2020 in Korea with our son Jordan and daughter in-law Youngju.  This was before any of us knew about the realities of living with a worldwide pandemic! In the years since then we arranged airline tickets - and had to change them - three times before we were finally able to go.  But instead of waiting for another holiday season, we went this summer so that - in addition to being reunited with our adult children - we could also meet and love on our new granddaughter.  Bella was born on May 31st, 2022, and we couldn’t wait to hold her!  And hold her we did…many times throughout the day as we got to feed her, snuggle her to sleep and play with her.  

Bella’s care also involved a lot of walking; often one or more of us would take many loops around their housing complex to help her relax and/or go to sleep.


In the mornings, there was often an early morning urban river walk for a couple of hours.

Sadly, some parts of this beautiful trail were damaged during the historic rainfall Seoul experienced on August 8th while we were there.  read more about it here

There was so much yummy food to enjoy; when we went out one person typically ate while standing

In addition to discovering wonderful restaurants and take out, we explored some local sights, including Dae Jae Geung Park where a number of Korean dramas and even some music videos have been filmed.

We got in the practice of using umbrellas to help keep cool…and sometimes dry

Whether at home or out and about, wherever we were we enjoyed just being together.

In the short time we were there we watched Bella grow and change before our very eyes; a high point was experiencing her first smiles in person!

Although Bella won’t remember this trip, it meant so much to the four adults who surrounded her to be together.  We are so thankful this visit came to pass; we will treasure the memories for the rest of our lives!


Claire Martin said…
Thanks for sharing your vacation. Photos are great. I keep forgetting that Jordan is so much taller than John. Bella is so tiny and adorable. So glad you had that time together. Family time is precious especially when the distance is so far away.
Claire Martin said…
I just enjoyed this blog and pictures as though it was the first time I saw it. Uh it says something about my memory and cognitive functions these days. Up side is th⁹I get twice the joy!
Claire Martin said…
I just enjoyed this blog and pictures as though it was the first time I saw it. Uh it says something about my memory and cognitive functions these days. Up side is th⁹I get twice the joy!

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