Church Planting

The past week has been as varried as the "simple churches" or "house churches" which we visited, and they are as varried as the people they are made up of. The church planters, evangelists, pastors, elders and members are great to be with. The LONG days of travel, the short visits, the breaking of bread together, the greeting of Queen Mothers and even enjoying the hospitality of one Queen's home has made this week so amazing. There is great potential to this church planting movement in Ghana and other parts of Africa. The prayer requests are many: a marriage on the rocks, businesses that need improvement, non believing spouses, seeking of peace of mind to worship God, a handicapped man who needs equipment and customers for a business, people who want anointing from Christ to win souls, motor bikes needed by church planters, and much much more. There have been times of tiredness and fun, hunger and great food.... I trust these few pictures will help describe a bit of my acctivities... Currently we are in meetings and planning for a 2 day seminar... before we debrief and begin the long journey back to SoCal. Thanks for your partnership in this work! ...we need God's wisdom, health and strength to continue. And yes while staying in a local pastors home, I recruited his youngest daughter as my music partner as we enjoyed the joys of Johnny Cash and M.I.A. Fun times!


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