Christmas in Africa

For those of you who partner with us in support of the Discovery ministry...
many Discovery alumni are now involved in the long term Bible translation work in Tanzania!  Your partnership has brought the good news to these 9 language communities!  We thought you would enjoy hearing this great news from Tanzania concerning the completion of Luke 1-2 into the nine languages of the Mara Translation Project! The Scriptures were dedicated by local church leaders a couple weeks ago and as of last week, all copies had been sold out in all but one language!  This short video tells the story... and we say thanks for your partnership... Discovery is making a difference!


Unknown said…
This really gives the "Good News" a new meaning! It is awesome that this project was finished for the new believers in Tanzania, and I'm humbled by the amount of linguistic and specialized work that goes into a project of this magnitude. May the work and sacrifice of all the people involved have eternal impact on the lives that will be changed by the King of Kings. Thank you so much for sharing these good news with us.
Glad to hear yuor thoughts Rocio... I know that since you've been on the field you've seen both the huge work and the huge impact. thanks for your comment.

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