Preparing for Benin

Two weeks from today John will be on his way to Benin! As you can imagine, we are focused on preparing for his departure and the teams orientation…which has been a bit challenging since John has been unable to talk with his co-leader Jacques for a couple of weeks, due to power shortages he has been experiencing in his location. So much remains a mystery….and will remain so until John arrives and gets a feel for things. At this point, we do not know if there will be any Beninese joining our team….but we do know who will be going there from the US. Here’s who we know will be on the Benin team:

Micah will be our only male participant; he currently studies computer science and biblical languages in TX. Micah has been spending the month before our Discovery trip in Nigeria observing a Bible translation workshop hosted by one of our sister organizations; he will go from there to meet up with the rest of us in Benin.

Kiersten graduated from University in MN last year with a degree in English/Linguistics and has been doing graduate studies in linguistics since then. She previously went to Cameroon with a Wycliffe Get Global trip (which is like a mini Discovery trip for younger people) so she also will arrive in Benin having a bit of West African experience under her belt.

Alicia will be entering her final year of university studying music and linguistics in NY when she returns from Benin: she is doing this Discovery trip for a school internship requirement.

Danielle found out about this Discovery trip well after our application deadline when she wrote to confirm that we were no longer accepting applications. John told her that if she could jump through some high hoops in 4 days that an application would be accepted and shortly thereafter she joined the team! Danielle is a part time seminary student with a background in business management; we know there are some Bible translators on the field who will love to have her help them administratively.

We need and appreciate your prayers! Here are some ways we invite you to join with us in prayer at this time:

  • *please pray for Stick-to-it-iveness each day as John continues to learn a bit of French and use it.
  • *pray for John & Jacques as they work on team plans together in Cotonou just days before our team arrives in Benin. Please pray for good working relations and communication between Jacques and John throughout the trip….but most especially as they begin learning how to work together. 
  • *pray for wisdom for John to lead well while working under stress. 
  • *pray For 4 African participants to join our team.
  • *pray that our team will be able to serve Wycliffe Benin and the Bible translators working there
  • *pray for God to lead our participants into longer term missions after Discovery. 

Thanks so much for your participation in the Benin Discovery trip this summer via your prayers!


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