Why not just teach people English?

Bible translation is such a long process... Why not just teach people Enghish?

These thoughts have been sparked by the very good blog post by Hannah Weiand a Wycliffe Intern.

Have you wondered lately why we've been serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators for the past 31 years?  Or why translators spend so many years translating Bibles and New Testaments for people groups all around the world?  
Why don't we teach them English (or Spanish/French/German/Portuguese/Etc)?

In addition to the points that Hannah made in her post... we believe it is a justice issue.  We believe the Bible to be God's word and we believe that Bible Poverty or the lack of a Bible in someone's heart language is an injustice...

What would you do if you had to access God's word in a 2nd language?


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