What is a 2nd class language?

Some Bible translation projects can be a bit controversial since some minority languages are looked down upon as a inferior language, or even labeled "broken".

I believe that there is no such thing as a 2nd class language.

The Jamaican Creole Bible translation
This is a sample of the translation with English subtitles.  For some receiving this as an email, click this video link to watch.

The BBC wrote a very interesting article a few years ago just before this translation was first released in 2012. Some people are quoted saying how the language defines them.  Others counter that the language can't convey biblical truth like English does.  I highly recommend it:  http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-16285462

Or, if you'd prefer a video explanation of the controversy instead of the article... Check this out:  https://youtu.be/vIg2SOQPzvM

Some people consider the language vulgar... others value their language because it communicates to them clearly (which is what I want in my Bible reading... a translation that is clear and not hard to understand).


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