
I found some photos recently that I thought I'd share here. Some context might be helpful to appreciate the historical significance. 

The Ramsey's joined Wycliffe Bible Translators in 1983 and within just a few months received three months of field training in Texas and Mexico. Our first official work assignment started in 1984 when we moved our family to Texas for almost two years for a management internship. One of the outcomes of this assignment was learning a lot about the new organisation that we had just joined. In 1984 our kids were both pre-schoolers and we were pretty committed to allowing Shevawn being a stay-at-home-mom. But, as we soon found out, it was required for her to have an official job assignment. For this post, let's focus on Shevawn's part-time assignment working in the International Museum of Cultures 

As I recall, Shevawn negotiated a minimal assignment one morning a week when she would work at the museum primarily to fulfill mail orders. It was a ministry task that needed to be done and the lowest time commitment that we could negotiate within the requirement to work outside the home.

 Next time you are in Dallas and have time to visit a museum, give this one a try. The name describes the context well... it is the International Museum of Cultures (a center for global awareness and understanding)! 

 John's assignment was quite different and we will write a bit about it next month. 


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