Merry Christmas


Christmas 2020 will be celebrated with joy and gratitude even during Stay-At-Home-Orders. 

2020 is certainly one for the history books.  This year has been particularly challenging for so many people. We are all having to adapt and figure out new ways of doing things. Ha! I thought the world was changing fast before the pandemic... look at us change now!  

And yes, you and I are adapting and even thriving at times.  Let's be honest, sometimes it's hard, sometimes we are surviving and not thriving. Don't worry about it. The struggle is real and our reactions are normal. We think you are amazing.  We are thankful for our friendship with each of you reading this.  In fact, we pray for you to continue to adapt to the changing conditions of life. And we pray that you would welcome the hope, love, joy, peace patience, kindness, goodness and faith that the Prince of Peace offers us anew every day.

Merry Christmas friends we pray that you will be blessed in 2021 


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