ut-Hun Project Approved


ut-Hun translation committee 

The ut-Hun people want the whole Bible in their language and are working toward their goal of a transformed community through Bible translation.

Just this week we received news of funding approval for a continuation of their project that John first got involved with during a 2017 Nigeria trip.

In the next 3 years the team will publish 1 Samuel, Exodus and Deuteronomy, in print and audio plus Esther, Jonah and Ruth in audio. They will also produce (not one, but) three gospel videos from the already translated New Testament.

ut-Hun translator attending a training workshop

The project team will hold Faith & Farming workshops to contextualize the Bible to peoples everyday lives. 

Literacy classes will be organized as another community priority.  

Training people to start Scripture listening and reading groups is another strategy for translated Scripture to be used that includes discipleship and literacy aspects… 

All this is being done in addition to the already thriving Jesus Film showing ministry. A discipleship team faithfully uses materials produced by the project to evangelize and disciple hundreds of ut-Hun speaking villagers each year. 


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