Good News Bad News

Bad news:
As hard as it can be to start and serve a Bible translation project is. We often hear of increased spiritual opposition to completing the work in the final years of a project. Wycliffe updates a special publication highlighting prayer requests for these projects. For the 2022 Africa Finish Line publication, we have the privilege to be involved in 8 of the languages. Send me a message if you want to know which languages I'm involved in. One of these projects has plans to produce the Acts video in addition to the entire New Testament in print and audio. We were all led to believe the video script was word for word Acts Scripture, and in English it is. The complicating factor is that the audio script is timed to match the video in English. Imagine that this particular language takes about 20% longer to say something than English does. The bottom line is that the video audio script will require much editing to shorten the verses so they fit the video. And our quality control process called consultant checking will have to be done on those edited verses… this puts much unexpected pressure on the team who are on a fairly limited timeframe to finish the entire project in 2022. They need our prayer support.

Good News:
One of the first projects John worked with in Nigeria is now enjoying much fruit from their completed New Testament and Jesus Film while they continue to translate their Old Testament. Instead of writing about it, allow me to share a snapshot of a recent update we received from the project:


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