Back in Ghana

 The last time I was in Ghana was 2015 for a brief visit on my way to the final Discovery team trip in Benin. You know what it’s like to visit your hometown after being away for a very long time? Things look familiar but so much has changed!
2015: John & Charis mugging for the camera in Accra

Yep, Charis in 2022. This time we bonded as we talked about Korean pop culture and how she and her school friends are obsessed with Korean TV dramas.    

28 years later, it's great to see artwork we decorated the GILLBT Guest House with is still there!

My friend whom I call "Name" because in his culture, you don't just call someone by their real name when both of you share the same name! Yes, he also calls me Name.

The Kanvilli chief sent his representatives to GILLBT's Annual General Meeting

Drummers accompanied the Chief's elders

This video of the Elders entrance to the meeting shows all the protocol and grandness of Dagomba royalty.  

a few more of the Chief's elders

There is never enough time to see everyone you want to visit. I had very full days at the workshop developing nine Bible translation projects. Another big multi-day event that I attended was GILLBT’s 60th anniversary of Bible translation in Ghana. This celebration included an annual general meeting (AGM), multiple other meetings, a thanksgiving church service and more…


60th Anniversary Buffet Banquet

The Banquet was held outside and elaborately decorated

I had a bit of culture shock while attending a new mega-church in Tamale, the city I used to jokingly call the biggest village in Ghana. 

Michael is a Discovery alumni who continues to serve as a Bible translator, managing a cluster project of three languages.

I enjoyed many evenings with long-time friends and colleagues in Tamale

Yes, we have chosen family in Ghana that our kids grew up with!

There was just enough time for one last meeting in the capital city before my flight back home.
Four organizations were represented at this meeting!  

I'm praying the fruit of this last meeting will be some Oral Bible Translation projects for bibleless people groups remaining in Ghana.
Please pray along with us



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