you don't know what you don't know

At the Hanga literacy day in the village of Murugu seating is arranged in a very large circle in the shade of trees with periodic birdsong to be heard. A warm breeze starts at noon and by 2:30 PM the wind speed increases a bit and the air is now very warm. A mosque spire is in view as well as both grass and zinc metal roofed homes. Electric poles and wires can be seen but there is no cell phone signal.

After many speeches and creative drama's and reading by the Hanga youth. I am called to stand and receive the gift of a beautiful hand sewn Hanga smock with a matching hat. I don the attire to much applause and many photos taken… I am given the honorary title of Suդդinisim Naaba (Helper Chief). I bow and thank my hosts for this great honor and beautiful gifts. My first official duty as a new honorary sub chief is to walk across the circle to greet the other chiefs and elders in attendance which I oblige with much bowing to show my respect… Upon returning to my seat, I am informed of my cultural faux pas. In my new position as sub chief, I must remove my hat when I greet other chiefs. 

I quickly apologized for wearing my hat while greeting the chiefs, and in a gesture of Hanga grand hospitality, as a visitor I am readily forgiven. Albert Einstein is quoted as saying"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new"

What is something new, you've tried recently?  

 What mistakes have you made in the process? 



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